****有限公司 认证企业
中国 - 南京市/江苏省 民营  20-99人
企业最近登录 : 2018-10-19
“普凡达国际少儿英语”为南京普凡达教育咨询公司运营的专注于3-12岁孩子提供全英文、以沉浸主题式教学为特色的少儿英语培训品牌。一期教学场地面积800平方米,坐落于充满魅力和活力的南京江北新区。拥有同时培训近百名孩子的教学场地与能力, 同时配有活动中心、多功能教室及图书馆,满足不同年龄段孩子的多样化需求。
“普凡达国际少儿英语” 以拥有150年历史的全球最大教育集团培生集团提供的课程为教学体系,采用全外教沉浸主题式的小班化交流为特色,为3-12岁小孩提供全英文学习内容学习环境,为您培养具有全球思维习惯和创新能力的国际小公民!
“Perfound International Kids English” operated by Nanjing PuFanDa Education Consulting Company, is a children’s English training brand, specializing in immersive themed teaching for children aged 3-12 years. The first-phase teaching site comprising 800 square meters is located in Jiangbei New District which is full of charm and vitality. It has a teaching venue and ability to train nearly 100 children at one time. It is equipped with an activity center, multi-functional classrooms and a library to meet the diverse needs of children of different ages.
“Perfound International Kids English” is based on the teaching system provided by the Pearson, the world’s largest education group with the history of 150 years.
It features small groups of 3-12years old children , fully taught and guided by foreign teachers, and an English content learning environment for you to cultivate global thinking habit and innovation ability of International Junior citizens.