English international course online teacher
Part timeNegotiable
No Pressure
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Job NaturePart time
Work ExperienceUnlimited
China - Beijing City/Beijing City
The Job Description is supported by the Third Party Translation Website. The Translation Results for Reference Only. Please Communicate with the Recruiter for More Details.
Job Description
1. Native English speaking countries
2. Online teaching in Beijing
3. Teachers who have teaching experience in AP, paper and literature have strong driving force in class
4. Complete the teaching task according to the required teaching materials
5. Regularly test and feedback the students' learning situation
6. Prepare carefully before class
1. Native English speaking countries
2. Online teaching in Beijing
3. Teachers who have teaching experience in AP, paper and literature have strong driving force in class
4. Complete the teaching task according to the required teaching materials
5. Regularly test and feedback the students' learning situation
6. Prepare carefully before class
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