Spanish foreign teacher Spanish Teacher
Part timeNegotiable
good environment
Annual bonus
convenient transportation
food and lodgings
Standard management
Carried interest
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Job NaturePart-time
Work ExperienceUnlimited
China - Beijing City/Beijing City
The Job Description is supported by the Third Party Translation Website. The Translation Results for Reference Only. Please Communicate with the Recruiter for More Details.
Job Description
Job requirements
Job requirements
1. Spanish native speakers;
Native speaker;
2. bachelor degree or above
Bachelor degree or above.
3. good planning and communication skills, good communication analysis and problem solving skills.
Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analysis. Being able to solve emergency problem is required.
4. good writing and oral communication skills, skilled office software.
Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software.
Job requirements
1. Spanish native speakers;
Native speaker;
2. bachelor degree or above
Bachelor degree or above.
3. good planning and communication skills, good communication analysis and problem solving skills.
Strong planning and execution ability are required, be good at communicating, analysis. Being able to solve emergency problem is required.
4. good writing and oral communication skills, skilled office software.
Good written and oral communication ability, proficiency with office software.
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