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Login Time : 2021-06-26
Green Garden is dedicated to professional infant and toddler care and education. Our education approach inspired by RIE, an infant education resources based on Los Angeles, USA. Green Garden develop an integrate and practical curriculum categorized in newborn, crawler and toddler. GG curriculum also involved DONA and Reggio into our education approach and daily activities. Moreover Green Garden Team designed an safe indoor and outdoor environment, just for 0-5 years old infants and toddler.
Green Garden致力于中国0-5岁婴幼儿心智发展和教育事业,借鉴RIE、瑞吉欧、DONA、PIKLER等婴幼儿教育理念,结合中国国情和具体实践,开发创立了中国0-3岁新生儿、爬步儿和学步儿不同年龄及成长阶段完整的教育体系和实践指导规范,自主设计了国内针对0-3岁婴幼儿日常托管的室内、外的安全空间,填补了中国0-3岁婴幼儿教育空白。
In 2019, as a pioneer of infant and toddler education institute, Green Garden was invited by “ China Brand Innovation and Development Project”, and interviewed by CCTV.
2019年,作为中国0-3岁婴幼儿教育的先行者和实践者,Green Garden入选建国70周年“中国品牌创新发展工程”,并接受了央视的专题的采访。
So far, Green Garden team have catered more than 200 children from over 30 different nationalities, and also cooperated with many International education organizations from aboard.
截至目前,Green Garden 已接待了来自30多个国家的200多位婴幼儿,并与5家国际著名婴幼儿教育机构展开合作。
Green Garden team members came from different counties, in our program English is the official language.
Green Garden 工作团队由中外行业学者和教育者构成,英语全浸润式教学,老师与婴幼儿的看顾比例为1:2~1:4,个案式看顾模式为婴幼儿个性特质的发展及身心成长提供保障

Infant program- Lily classroom
婴幼儿照料- 百合班
Toddler Program - Sunflower Classroom
Preschool Program- Ivy Classroom
Drop-Off Care Program 临时看护服务
Parent Infant Guidance Class 父母陪伴成长课程
Parent & Caregiver Workshops 父母&照料者 工作坊
Professional Development Educarers定制提升计划
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