"Weifang Tom's home children's training school" focuses on creating an education mode combining children's English and art. We integrate the American children's education system with Chinese traditional painting art. While creating a Family English learning atmosphere with American characteristics, we spread and teach Chinese traditional culture to children in the form of painting. This is the first case in China to pay attention to children and children It is an efficient child growth center for children's educational comfort. With the learning ability training course, attention should be paid to the five cognitive fields of attention, memory, thinking, observation and spatial intuition to comprehensively improve children's psychological learning ability.
"Weifang Tom's home children's training school" focuses on creating an education mode combining children's English and art. We integrate the American children's education system with Chinese traditional painting art. While creating a Family English learning atmosphere with American characteristics, we spread and teach Chinese traditional culture to children in the form of painting. This is the first case in China to pay attention to children and children It is an efficient child growth center for children's educational comfort. With the learning ability training course, attention should be paid to the five cognitive fields of attention, memory, thinking, observation and spatial intuition to comprehensively improve children's psychological learning ability.