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****hool 认证企业
China - Beijing City/Beijing City   20-99 people
good environment
Overtime pay
food and lodgings
Standard management
Skill Training
Login Time : 2019-10-24
Yifan Educational Institution (YIFAN), the most recognized brand in Children's education, is seeking full-time teachers to instruct children ages 3-18 years old at YIFAN in Beijing starting immediately.

Founded in 2008, YIFAN is the first training school which includes English, Art &Sports education institution chain in China.
We offer a highly competitive salary, career growth opportunities. YIFAN is a leading company in the fast growing and promising ELS market of kids &teens. We provide first class quality teaching and services to learners from 3-18 years old and we truly value people who are passionate about English education for children and skillful of doing their jobs.
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