Helen O'Grady Drama Academy was founded in Australia in 1979. For 39 years, Helen O'Grady has opened more than 1500 branches in 41 countries and regions around the world, with more than 6 million students. Now, more than 70,000 young people and children participate in our courses every week around the world. It covers the United States, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Europe, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Singapore, China, Macao, Hong Kong and the Gulf countries. At present, it is the largest educational institution in the field of children's drama education in China.
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy was founded in Australia in 1979. For 39 years, Helen O'Grady has opened more than 1500 branches in 41 countries and regions around the world, with more than 6 million students. Now, more than 70,000 young people and children participate in our courses every week around the world. It covers the United States, Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Europe, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Singapore, China, Macao, Hong Kong and the Gulf countries. At present, it is the largest educational institution in the field of children's drama education in China.