Spirit Children's English follows the Royal British Teaching Standards promulgated by the British Ministry of Education, aiming to become the first choice for elite families and open the door for Chinese children aged 2-14 to international citizens. Spirit children are taught in many kindergartens and primary schools in the UK, as well as in English-speaking countries and regions. The core of teaching method is to study and implement teaching activities according to children's growth and personalized needs. So far, about 30 million children around the world have received SK's teaching methods.
Spirit Children's English follows the Royal British Teaching Standards promulgated by the British Ministry of Education, aiming to become the first choice for elite families and open the door for Chinese children aged 2-14 to international citizens. Spirit children are taught in many kindergartens and primary schools in the UK, as well as in English-speaking countries and regions. The core of teaching method is to study and implement teaching activities according to children's growth and personalized needs. So far, about 30 million children around the world have received SK's teaching methods.