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Guangzhou Tongjiatong Education Consulting Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Qiliangming Kindergarten Education Group. Over the years, the Group has introduced excellent managers and professional teachers. The managers all have bachelor's degree and have professional technical titles of teachers above the first level. Each of our teachers is also a professional graduate of kindergarten teachers, with rich educational experience, and the implementation of the principle of two classes with one guarantee. At present, the group has five direct kindergartens in Guangzhou (fairy tale world kindergarten, Golf experimental kindergarten, stubborn comedy kindergarten, Liyuan kindergarten, Anwei Huangshan Taiping Spring City kindergarten), is a comprehensive implementation of early childhood education in the new preschool institutions, the full implementation of nature education, barefoot education (physical education), parents Language education, breeding education, specialty education, innovative thinking education, six major educational characteristics, by the Education Bureau leadership, experts, teachers and parents alike. Fairy tale world kindergarten covers an area of 6000 square meters, with a building area of more than 8000 square meters, which is divided into two parts: teaching building and training building. With world-class hardware suitable for children's sound development: apart from the standard classroom with bright windows, the classroom TV, DVD, piano, electronic piano, combination cabinet, solid wooden bed, desks and chairs are all available;there are also art rooms, music rooms, piano rooms, dance rooms, science discovery rooms, ceramics rooms, computer rooms, reading rooms. Animal Herbarium, chess room, indoor constant temperature swimming pool. There are football fields, golf courses, sports fields, plantations, small zoos and so on. It covers an area of 2640 square meters and a building area of 1840 square meters;the hardware and software in the park are of high quality, children-oriented and scientific, and all functional rooms are complete, teaching aids are abundant, teachers are dedicated and happy;& lt;BR & gt;& amp;nbsp;& amp;nbsp;Guangzhou Haizhu District South Stone Street Liyuan kindergarten covers an area of nearly 2000 meters. The park has imported combined amusement equipment, children's swimming pool, music and dance room, library, performing arts hall, computer room and other first-class modern facilities. It is an advanced demonstration park for preschool education in Haizhu District, which has been awarded and praised by the Education Bureau and City Bureau of Haizhu District of Guangzhou City for many times;& lt;BR & gt;& amp;nbsp;& amp;nbsp;and the land and building area of the Golf Experimental Kindergarten in Baiyun District of Guangzhou City have reached 3000 square meters, equipped with advanced hardware, piano, television and electronic piano. Taiping Chuncheng Kindergarten, located in Huangshan District, Anhui Province, covers an area of about 3000 square meters and has an outdoor playground of about 10000 square meters. Each class is equipped with piano, LCD TV, ceiling air conditioning, children's special desks and chairs and teaching toys. The outdoor playground is equipped with large-scale children's toys and slides, etc. & lt;BR & gt;& amp;nbsp;& lt;BR & gt;& amp;nbsp;& amp;nbsp;nbsp;because the company is expanding and developing, we need to hire kindergarten directors and teachers. Welcome the ambitious people who love education to join our team.
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