****有限公司 认证企业
中国 - 上海市/上海市   20-99人
企业最近登录 : 2021-07-13
满儿国际托育园是由中国十大品牌童装——红孩儿(中国)有限公司全力打造的托育品牌。 2014在香港上市。集团紧跟国家优先发展教育的战略方针,提供给0-6岁更专业的婴幼儿照护。上海静安满儿托育园,是上海市和静安区首批托育试点单位。目前公司在上海有两家直营店,分店还在继续发展中!管理团队都有着多年的管理营运经验,公司发展空间大,对有意愿有能力的员工公司会给到职业规划及相应培训,逐步培养成公司骨干,参与到个分店的管理中!欢迎有意愿有想法的加入到我们的团队!
Mumkids International Childcare Center is a nursery brand created by Red Boy (China) Co., Ltd., one of the top ten brands of children's wear in China and came into the market in 2014 in Hong Kong. The group closely follows the national strategic policy of giving priority to the development of education, and provides more professional care for children aged 0-6 years. Shanghai Jing 'an Mumkids Childcare Center is one of the first test units in Shanghai Jing 'an District. At present, the company has two campes in Shanghai, the branches are still in the development! The management team has many years of management and operation experience, and the company has a large space for development. The company will give career planning and corresponding training to the willing and capable employees, and gradually cultivate them into the backbone of the company and participate in the management of each branch. Welcome to join our team!