****有限公司 认证企业
中国 - 深圳市/广东省 民营  20-99人
企业最近登录 : 2020-04-29
慧昇书院是首家K12国际教育研究院 。我们秉持“全球视野,中国情怀”的办学理念,将西方教育体系的精华根植于中国传统文化的沃土。我们尊崇“智信爱仁礼孝”的价值导向,志在成为****、培育精英的K-12中国国际学校。慧昇专注打造东西合璧的课程体系、多元文化的师资团队、现代智能的管理系统:我们专业提供**的国际预备课程、升学语言课程、中外文化课程、社会融合课程;我们的师资团队荟萃世界各国教育精英,力争中国境内实力*强;我们的VR未来实验室、个性化学生培养方案、智能化学校管理系统,为学生发展提供**保障。自2010年创校至今,慧昇书院75%的毕业生顺利入读世界排名前50位大学。慧昇还提供从儿童到成人的终身学习系统资源,以及多种文教公益活动。化美启智,立德树人。欢迎入读慧昇书院!

IPA is the first K-12 International Education Research Institute,upholding a philosophy of “global vision, Chinese feeling”, venerating the wisdom of “Zhi (intelligence and wisdom), Xin (loyalty and commitment), Ai (love and passion), Ren (compassion and kindness), Li (manners and ceremony), Xiao (respect and obligation), aiming to be the outstanding K-12 international school in China. We believe that an excellent education reaches both the heart and the mind, combining challenges and inspiration, offering a rich experience of the real world balanced with the security of a programmed learning environment. IPA education values nurture and celebrate the intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimension of the human experience. Since 2010, 75% of the graduate students have been successfully enrolled in the top 50 world famous universities. At IPA, students learn about our world from different perspectives, through a range of technologies they gain not only knowledge but a practical framework of human values deeply rooted in Chinese culture, and to turn today’s dreams into tomorrow’s accomplishment by sharing the journey with its trials and challenges. Therefore, for your dreams, welcome to IPA.