****培训中心 认证企业
中国 - 东莞市/广东省 民营  20-99人
企业最近登录 : 2019-07-22
First leap was founded in 2008, and has been growing dramatically,with a healthy and positive company culture , We are English training institute for children range from 3 to 12 years old.
We have different products so far, such as onsite classes which you will mainly teach in your future center, online classes called First Leap TV which is a live broadcast , as well as designed application on phone called FCS. We also have some short classes during summer or winter holidays.
Class :
A class is no more than 14 kids ,we try to keep it small , easy for teachers to control ,and have more one on one practice opportunities .
1.Each lesson has a whole teaching package ,including the flipchart, the lesson plan as well as any necessary extra activity materials .In addition, we have a program is called SLP (Standardized Lesson Program) which is designed for teachers to prepare for classes and improve teaching quality .Our lessons are filmed one by one and you can watch them online everywhere and every time.
2.Each lesson is from 35minutes to 45 minutes .