****有限公司 认证企业
中国 - 青岛市/山东省 民营  20-99人
企业最近登录 : 2019-06-27
We aspire to provide the best possible education to our students, helping them to develop into leaders of the future. Our students not only have to be very strong academically, but they also have to be well-rounded individuals with strong critical thinking, communicative, leadership and teamwork skills, as well as a good understanding of other cultures. We believe you have the potential to exemplify these qualities, contribute immeasurably to our community, and make the most of Ocean University of China Cambridge International Center’s distinctive opportunities for intellectual, personal and professional growth.
Meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information. Again, congratulations. Your time in Ocean University of China Cambridge International Center will build the foundation for a lifetime of leadership. We are thrilled to have you join us!
With kind regards, Ocean University of China Cambridge International Center Center